The One Autowatch Ghost 2 Immobiliser Mistake That Every Beginner Makes

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Ghost 2 Immobiliser Reviews

The Ghost immobiliser from Autowatch is the most recent vehicle security technology. It safeguards your vehicle from key cloning, hacking and key theft.

It utilizes buttons on your vehicle like the steering wheel, door panels and the centre console to generate an unique PIN sequence that is up to 20 digits long that must be entered prior to the engine starting. It's TASSA insurance-approved which means it can also lower your insurance costs in most instances.

Discreet & Undetectable

The appeal of an immobiliser with Ghost 2 immobiliser review 2 is that it's almost invisible. This device connects to the CAN data network and operates through your ECU (Engine Control Unit) so it can be put in a hidden location, works silently and emits no radio signals. The device is also extremely low-maintenance and easy for you to use and not cause damage to your vehicle.

With an immobiliser for the CAN bus you can design a pin code sequence that you can customize that is up to 20 characters long and can be entered using existing electronic buttons on your car, such as those on the steering wheel, in the app, door panel or central console. This is similar to the way you use pin codes on your mobile phone. This will allow you to start and move your car, but a would-be criminal can't steal your car without entering the correct PIN code or carrying your smartphone with you.

Additionally, this system is totally foolproof and in a position to be detected by the diagnostic tools that hi-tech thieves typically employ. Autowatch Ghost, unlike other immobilisers that are usually activated through an immobiliser communicates with the vehicle's ECU using its own data loop in CAN to prevent the engine from getting started. It's a great method to safeguard your vehicle particularly if it's customized or is costly or rare.

The immobiliser isn't just effective in deterring thieves, it also stops them from creating a cloned ECU or key, which are the most commonly used methods of stealing vehicles today. It also comes with the option of a Service/Valet mode, which allows you to turn off the system during your MOT, or when you've had your vehicle professionally cleaned. This means that nobody can leave your car in the garage.

The Autowatch ghost 11 immobiliser is a smart investment for your vehicle, particularly when it's a precious or rare model. It's a discreet and effective method to stop thieves from taking your car's prized possessions, so get in touch with us today to find out more about our TASSA verified and DBS security checked Ghost immobilisers. We'll even supply you with evidence to prove your insurance company which is known to offer substantial discounts to customers who install a ghost immobiliser.

Easy to Install

Ghost is not able to transmit a signal, and can only be detected when activated by a PIN (download the Autowatch App) or your phone. This means that it can't be identified by thieves using sophisticated RF scanning or code grabbing equipment.

Easily installable by our specialist team The ghost 2 immobiliser is hidden in a secure place and is not detected by any devices that high-tech thieves use. It also does not require battery power and is easy to maintain. Therefore, we can provide a five-year warranty on all ghost 2 immobilisers.

Ghost is the only aftermarket CAN bus immobiliser on the market that protects your vehicle better than anything else. It is easy to use and will not allow the vehicle to start until the unique PIN code is entered through the mobile app or buttons on the steering wheel, door panel or centre console. It can be as long as 20 presses long, making it more secure and harder to guess.

Ghost is unable to detect by scanners, or even by the circuit cuts modern thieves make. It is able to communicate with the engine control unit, but not emit any radio signals and is invisible to the eye.

This is what gives Ghost the name 'The Stealth Immobiliser since it's invisible to anyone who doesn't know it exists. You can even transfer your Ghost device to another vehicle when you move in the course of ownership, provided that the new vehicle is compatible and has installed by a Tassa registered Ghost 2 Immobiliser Installations team member. After completing your Ghost 2 installation you will receive the Owner's Manual, Emergency Card, and two Autowatch window stickers. We can also provide you with an installation certificate to give to your insurance company, if needed. This will give you peace of heart and further security for your pride & Joy.

Low Impact

The Autowatch Ghost 2 is a powerful, discreet and reliable anti-theft device for your vehicle. It blocks hacking and key cloning as well as ECU swapping. This means that thieves are unable to take your vehicle away. It is integrated into the CAN data network, which means it is not able to be detected and disabled through RF scanning, code grabbing and other methods that are employed to disable security systems. The system has the ability to valet and service mode that allows you to start your car without having to use your PIN. This is a good option if your vehicle will be used by mechanics, for example.

The system is easy to install by our certified technicians and doesn't require cutting wires or voiding your manufacturer's warranty because it uses the existing buttons in your vehicle to make a unique pin code. The button codes are sent throughout the vehicle via the CAN data network and the ghost immobiliser will respond similarly to the original factory system. You can modify the pin code anytime and only you have access to your vehicle.

This is an important factor to take into consideration when selecting the immobiliser you want to make use of. You don't want to put your vehicle more vulnerable. As opposed to wheel locks that are removed by cutting wires and jumping the signal and then removing the wires, the Ghost is hidden within your car with an insignificant, weatherproof device that operates quietly and is unnoticeable to the naked eye. It is also a very discrete installation, meaning that your car will appear any different than before it was installed.

Our installers are trained and are proficient in installing Ghost. They will give you a demonstration of how Ghost functions. They will present you with your owner's manuals, installation certificates and an Ghost 2 emergency card after the installation has been completed. Before leaving, they'll ensure that you are happy with everything. This system offers the most effective security against theft. Our customers have noticed their insurance rates drop substantially because of this.

Insurance Approved

If you are like most car owners your pride and happiness is a major part of your daily life. It's only natural that you would want to safeguard your vehicle.

Ghost immobilisers are made to provide you with the highest possible protection against car thieves. They stop your car from being started unless you enter the PIN code using your key fob or mobile app. This means that even if your car is copied or has an engine chip that has been replaced, it will not start.

In contrast to other systems on the market unlike other systems, the Ghost uses your vehicle's buttons from the factory (like those on the steering wheel or center console) to create a unique disarming sequence. You can make this up to 20 times, making it much more difficult for thieves to hack. You can change your PIN at any time.

The Ghost is the first aftermarket CAN-bus immobiliser in the world. It offers complete protection against hacking into cars. It communicates with the ECU via the data bus, which means it cannot be detected by scanners that detect other security systems. It also prevents thieves adding the new ECU or key to bypass the system to start your vehicle. Only the right PIN code is used and it is a great option for Bentley owners.

In addition to the anti-theft features, the Ghost includes valet and service modes that lets you temporarily start your vehicle for service or valet work without entering a PIN. You can also remotely disable your car's immobiliser using the app if you have lost your keys. This is great when your kids or friends are borrowing the vehicle.

The Autowatch Ghost has been TASSA approved. This means it is accepted by insurance companies and may reduce your cost of insurance. It is also covered by two-year guarantee and comes complete with a mobile application that is free. Contact us if you'd like to know more about installing a ghost immobiliser to your Bentley. One of our staff members will be more than happy to discuss the process with you in more depth, and will be able to provide a full demonstration on how it functions. The owner manuals, certification of installation, and Ghost emergency cards will then be handed out.